Friday, June 17, 2011

Draft Revised Goals, Objectives and Indicators - Post-Workshop I

Surrey Sensitive Urban Infill
Community Development Visioning Project

Download the "Revised Goals and Objectives" File

Project Goal:

To suggest how to shape the growth of Surrey’s existing neighbourhoods towards a complete, sustainable, healthy and low carbon future.

Design Objectives:

1.                   Movement and Mobility Objectives

1.          Emphasise alternative options to the car for the movement: walking, biking and transit, while accommodating personal mobility devices and motorized wheelchairs for populations with mobility challenges.[1]
2.          Facilitate efficient and sustainable options for movement of goods and services.
3.          Connect to major local, city wide and regional destinations by an interconnected local street and pathway system that accommodates all modes of travel, while prioritizing walking and transit over car trips.[2]
4.          Integrate land use and transportation design in order to decrease average trip length and vehicle kilometres traveled.[3]
5.          Locate commercial, cultural and recreational activities and jobs sites where they can be best accessed on foot and/or via transit.[4]
6.          Provide a variety of active transportation alternatives that facilitates recreational as well as purposeful movement.
7.          Create complete streets for all populations, while enhancing street quality in order to make them attractive and safe for different transportation modes and options.
8.          Provide supportive infrastructure and end-of-trip facilities for alternative modes of transportation, such as showers, bike facilities and safe car park, in private and public buildings as well as public spaces, while providing options for car sharing and car pods.

Metric 1.A: Number of pedestrian route intersections per hectare
(Evaluates the robustness of network of pedestrian routes joining diverse trip origins and destinations)
Metric 1.B: Total length of bicycle routes and recreational trails per square kilometre
(Measures the length of bicycle routes within a community)
Metric 1.C: Percent of dwelling units within five minute walk to commercial services and frequent transit
(Measures the walkability of neighborhoods)
Metric 1.D: Percentage reduction in transportation related GHG emissions per capita from 2007 baseline levels (in tonnes)
(Measures the relative reduction of transportation related GHG emissions from baseline year) 
Preliminary target: 80% below 2007 levels

2.                                           Energy systems, Green Infrastructure and Natural Systems Objectives

1.          Protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment and biodiversity such as fish bearing streams, wildlife corridors, habitat hubs and natural riparian systems.
2.          Protect and enhance Surrey’s groundwater and aquatic ecosystems through green infrastructures and reduce/eliminate the negative consequences of stormwater run-off on receiving streams.[5]
3.          Maintain and enhance the existing tree canopy, including the urban forest, street trees and private land trees.[6]
4.          Focus and design neighbourhoods to conserve and reduce energy demand, while incorporating alternative fuel and renewable energy sources, such as district heating systems, wherever practical.[7]
5.          Produce community designs and regulations to reduce impact from waste generated by the community.[8]
6.          Promote and sustain agriculture and enhance local food security by maximizing the utility of the ALR, and expanding the opportunities for urban agriculture at all scales.[9]
7.          Provide recreation and social opportunities through an interconnected network of parks, public spaces, trails, greenways.[10]
8.          Reduce water consumption by families, businesses and community facilities, while remediating waste water.
Metric 2.A: Percent reduction in building related GHG emissions per capita per year.
(Measures the impact of conservation efforts and introduction of renewable sources of energy for buildings)
Preliminary target: 80% below 2007 levels.
Metric 2.B: Percent of residents within three minute walk of natural/habitat areas
(Indicates the amount of habitat provided within a community and resident’s access to it)
Metric 2.C: Percent effective impervious area
(Identifies the extent to which community infiltrates rainfall versus generating storm-water runoff)
Metric 2.D: Percent tree canopy cover
(Measures the overall coverage of tree canopy)
Metric 2.E: Total area (Sq Km) of contiguous green space area and parkland
(Measures the amount of interconnected and intact greenspaces)
Metric 2.F: Percentage of vegetation cover
(Measures the proportion of land covered by vegetation)
Metric 2.G: Total area dedicated to active food production.
(Measures level of urban faming and ALR agricultural activity)

3.                                           Jobs and Economic Development

1.          Support and promote local employment by incorporating strategies for a balance of one local job for every resident in the City of Surrey.
2.          Provide support for a full range of local employment opportunities, especially green businesses, and encourage green business practices.[11]
3.          Protect the integrity of the agricultural land reserve (ALR) in Surrey, as well as industrial areas that support food production, employment, agro-business services and agro-tourism that support the local economy.[12]
4.          Protect, intensify, and maintain employment land efficiently. Promote the co-location or clustering of a range of appropriate businesses and personal services that support compact and complete employment areas while reducing the need for unnecessary car or truck trips to access these services.[13] 
5.          Strive for a balance of one local job for every employed resident in this large Surrey district.[14]
6.          Encourage use of green building practices in new constructions as well as the retrofit of existing buildings.
7.          Provide learning and training opportunities and facilities for the youth, while encouraging lifelong learning and development for all citizens and all ages[15].
8.          Facilitate development of social enterprises and non-profit organizations.
9.          Provide live/work opportunities within this area.
10.      Encourage diverse employment opportunities in areas with high concentration of immigrants, visible minorities and vulnerable populations.
Metric 3.A: Percent of dwellings within 2 km of an employment center/corridor
(Measures the degree to which a community has convenient access to jobs)
Metric 3.B: Percent of residents within 30 minutes walking/transit trip to a major employment area
(Measures the degree of access to local jobs)
Metric 3.C: Number of jobs per employable resident
(Quantifies the degree to which a community supports a vibrant local economy)
Metric 3.D: Simpson’s Diversity Index of Employment types
(Indicates the mix of employment opportunities within a community)
Metric 3.E: Percentage of fully utilized industrial and agricultural land, commercial and office space out of total land dedicated to such  employment uses.
(Measures productivity of employment land base and vacancy levels)

4.                                           Community Design Objectives

1.          Support a diverse culture from a broad range of ethnic, income and demographic backgrounds.[16]
2.          Promote a sense of identity, inclusion and belonging and safety through design strategies such as CPTED.[17]
3.          Allow for increased density through gentle and gradual infill of a blend of affordable and accessible housing types and adaptations, appropriate to a rapidly changing ethnic, income, family type and age demographic.[18]
4.          Provide a wide range of affordable and inclusive recreation, cultural and community services and facilities (e.g. schools) within 5 to 10 minute walking distance. [19]
5.          Provide a range of major natural, recreational, educational and enclosed civic amenities within a 10 – 15 minute walking distance. [20]
6.          Provide within the district centrally available cultural, social, recreational and health facilities and civic amenities that respond to the needs and interests of the City’s diverse population, including children, youth, seniors, multi-cultural groups, families, individuals with a disability, vulnerable populations and those with special needs.[21]
7.          Incorporate principles of Universal Design to ensure accessibility to everyone.[22]
8.          Enhance neighbourhood distinctions and sense of place through design.[23]
9.          Establish a range of gathering places within neighbourhoods, as well as at the larger district scale.[24]
10.      Design for an aestheticly pleasing and high quality public realm, complete with public art.
11.      Establish additional arts and heritage facilities and a range of local cultural and entertainment opportunities within a 10 to 15 minute walk, bike or transit ride.[25]
12.      Encourage development of high density, mixed use, compact and walkable neighbourhoods, with easy access to transportation, local shopping, services (such as health), markets (such as farmers market) and community facilities, while respecting local character.[26]
13.      Encourage physical activity and active living through design of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods.
14.      Identify, protect, and make publicly accessible as many views as possible – to mountains, to valleys, to riparian areas, to cultural icons.[27]
15.      Encourage population and employment density along transit corridors.

Metric 4.A: Simpson’s Diversity Index for all land use categories
(Indicates the mix of land uses within a community)
Metric 4.B: Percent of dwellings within 400m of recreational areas and public amenities (including schools, educational facilities and community centers)
(Measures the proximity of residents to public recreation and natural areas)
Metric 4.D: Percent of developed land meeting a convenient transit threshold
(Shows the degree to which a community achieves sufficient concentration of jobs and population to support transit service)
Metric 4.E: Simpson’s Diversity Index for dwelling types
(Indicates the mix of housing types within a community)
Metric 4.F: Simpson’s Diversity Index for ethnicity
(Indicates the cultural diversity of a community)
Metric 4.G: Simpson’s Diversity Index for family types
(Indicates household type diversity within a community)
Metric 4.H: Number of dwelling units per hectare
(Illustrates dwelling density of different areas such as corridors)
Metric 4.I: Number of commercial and office units per hectare
(Illustrates employment density of different areas such as corridors)
Metric 4.J: Percentage of dwelling units dedicated to social housing, rental and multifamily units
(Indicates availability of affordable and suitable dwelling units)

Reference Abbreviation:

Crime Reduction Strategy. 2010. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Child and Youth Friendly – City Strategy. 2010. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Economic Development Strategy. 2008. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Ecosystem Management Study. 2011. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Official Community Plan. 2010. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Parks, Recreation and Culture Strategic Plan. 2008. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Plan for the Social Well-Being of Surrey Residents. 2006. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

SC –
Sustainability Charter: a commitment to sustainability. 2008. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

Transportation Strategic Plan: Transportation Working for Everyone. 2008. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

WP –
Walking Plan: Creating Walkable Neighbourhoods. 2011. Surrey, British Columbia: City of Surrey.

[1] SC pg. 21; TSP pg. 47; TSP pg. 71; EDS pg. 20-21; OCP pg. 76;
[2] SC pg. 19; TSP pg. 65; OC pg. 84-85; PSW pg. 73; WP pg. 21;
[3] TSP pg. 68-77; OCP pg. 79; OCP pg. 85-86; WP pg. 21;
[4] TSP pg. 69; EDS pg. 5;
[5] SC pg. 19; TSP pg 71; EMS pg. 38; OCP pg. 95-102;
[6] SC pg. 19; EMS pg. 37; CRS pg. 23; PRCP pg. 61-63;
[7] SC pg. 19;
[8] SC pg. 19;
[9] SC pg. 20; EDS pg. 25-28; EMS pg. 41;
[10] SC pg. 21; CYF pg. 19; EMS pg. 44-45; OCP pg. 103-106; PRCP pg. 59
[11] SC pg. 19; SC pg. 24; EDS pg. 4; OCP pg. 34-36;
[12] SC pg. 20; SC pg. 24; EDS pg. 17-18; EDS pg. 25-28; OCP 35-36;
[13] SC pg. 24; TSP pg. 65; EDS pg. 5; EDS pg. 17, 25;
[14] SC pg. 24; CRS pg. 48;
[15] Including childcare, pre-school, after-school training, technical training, pre-postsecondary preparation, postsecondary and lifelong learning and retraining.
[16] SC pg. 20; CYF pg. 30;
[17] SC pg. 20; SC pg. 21; SC pg. 23; TSP pg. 55; OCP pg. 120; CRS pg. 12; WP pg. 21;
[18] SC pg. 21; CYF pg. 23; OCP pg. 109; CRS pg. 44 -47;
[19] SC pg. 23; OCP pg. 111-112; CRS pg. 51; PRCP pg. 67;
[20] SC pg. 23;
[21] SC pg. 23; EDS pg. 15-16; CYF pg. 3; CYF pg. 34; CRS pg. 44; PSW pg. 7- 12;
[22] SC pg. 23; WP pg. 21;
[23] SC pg. 23;
[24] SC pg. 23; CYF pg. 17
[25] SC pg. 23; PRCP pg. 77;
[26] TSP pg. 77; CYF pg. 3; CYF pg. 20; OCP pg. 15; OCP pg. 23; OCP pg. 85;
[27] SC pg. 19; EMS pg. 46;

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